Family Art Day

February 24 \ 24 febrero de enero

Saturday, 9am-12pm

Creative Academy Classroom, 927 N. Lime Ave., SRQ

Free Artmaking Family Project
Proyecto Familiar de Arte Libre

Family Art Day is a free event that is designed to be an intergenerational art-making opportunity. Families will create an art project together led by a professional artist who has teaching experience with adults and children. All supplies are included, and projects are geared to be enjoyed by all age groups and all skill levels. This program is made possible thanks to generous funding from the Johnson Singer Foundation, whose mission is to enriching the human experience through targeted funding of the Arts, Education, Environment, Animals and Wildlife.

El Día del Arte en Familia es un evento gratuito diseñado para crear arte de forma intergeneracional. Las familias crearán juntas un proyecto artístico dirigido por un artista profesional con experiencia docente con adultos y niños. Todos los materiales están incluidos y los proyectos están pensados para que los disfruten todos los grupos de edad y todos los niveles de habilidad. Este programa es posible gracias a la generosa financiación de la Johnson Singer Foundation.

Made possible thanks to the Floyd C. Johnson and Flo Singer Johnson Foundation,Inc.

Watercolor by Flo Singer Johnson